No matter what type of mark a company may employ for their identity, simplicity and readability are always key factors for comprehension and retention. Breaking down and simplifying an image until you have the essential shapes that it takes to convey a concept is one of the most satisfying parts of mark making. I like to keep it simple and clean.
3D Render + Digital Painting: Box Art
In order to accomplish this composition, I had to first realize the game pieces which are ships, in a 3D space. Working off of top down illustrations, I strove to give each ship its own language while maintaining its original top-down shape and character. Once the pieces were modeled I created an action packed and vivid visual narrative that helps explain the premise of the game and also attracts the attention of potential players.
Brochure + 3D Render: Green furniture initiative
A brochure displaying a new piece of furniture. Historic Dante chair meets automotive waste.
Concept Creation + 3D + Logo: Animation
This motion project was created to promote camping. Each short starts with a promising statement followed by a comedic take on real world experiences. Each short also takes place in different environments reflecting popular and iconic locations across North America. Camping is not for everyone but this inviting and light hearted take on it will get its audience thinking about it.
Crafted for a very specific audience, this Infographic displays relevant and useful data in an efficient and comprehensible form.
Final Layout
This display type was created under the influence of 1950s automotive lettering and espresso, giving it a sense of energy and boldness. Each letter in the alphabet was constructed using the same shapes which made for a quick build and also generated a sense of unification throughout.
Pictogram: Exploring new forms
This collection of modular pictograms was made for the RV enthusiast to mark anything from a camp site to a website.
This compact cook book covers multiple ways to use tofu and soy products. Each recipe has been given its own page which allows it to breathe and to cut down on confusion and the occasional recipe mix-up. The book proportions were inspired by the traditional tofu block.
Concert hall promotion
Created to be expressive, flexible, and cohesive this poster series was made for a concert hall to use for each of its events.
ANIMATION: Green initiative
This animation short was created to encourage energy efficient habits. The animation shows what happens when you do not unplug unused appliances.
Below are select trading cards created in relation to an in production stealth/treasure hunter video game.
To encourage young children to make energy efficient habits this coloring book was made so they could save their Watt friends from any unnecessary harm. They save the Watts by finding all of the inefficiencies in the rooms provided.
GAME DESIGN + ALL THE SKILLS: Pushing limitations
These are snapshots of gameplay for a new game currently in development. It shows everything from the intro sequence to character interaction.